A web designer and a web programmer
should be the last people to lay hands on your website

Even the best web designer and web programmer should be the last people to work on your website, because they are skilled only at making it look good and making it function correctly—which ignores the most important objective of all: generating the most visits from qualified specifiers 24/7/365.

To receive the most free (organic) click-throughs from potential customers, your site needs to rank higher than your competitors’ sites on general search engines (such as Google, Yahoo and MSN/Bing). You also need a presence on websites where your customers search for products, ranging from industrial search engines like Globalspec and Thomasnet, to trade publication websites.

But most industrial marketers are unsuccessful at gaining top search engine positions for two reasons:

  1. Most web programmers and designers do not understand the enormous difference between a website that merely looks good, versus one that generates the most income
  2. Competitors are fighting for top positions that produce many more valuable click-throughs than lower positions

The difference in search engine rankings comes down to differences in:

  • Text volume
  • Keyword density
  • Frequency and volume of text additions
  • Inbound links from highly ranked sites
  • Meta tag and alt tag copy
  • Page header and description copy
  • Videos/animations
  • Searchable PDFs and more
1. SEO
2. Copywriting
3. Design
4. Programming

Especially now with AI doing the evaluating, websites deemed genuinely superior will out-rank all others fighting for top positions.

These and other variables have little to do with web design or web programming, and everything to do with Search Engine Optimization, handled for you by an Industrial Internet Marketing Specialist working in tandem with a Technical Industrial Copywriter for the web—both of whom should have an intimate understanding of your industrial products and markets.

Whether you need a low cost upgrade or a website overhaul, you will find experts in all four disciplines essential to making your website a high-powered lead generation machine: Internet Marketing, Technical Copywriting, Web Design and Web Programming. Protection Status