What your website cannot do:
find prospects before they find your competitors
The Internet has reduced but not eliminated digital and print trade publication advertising because websites have a major limitation: they are used primarily by prospects who are looking for a source. And once prospects start searching, your best hope is to be included on their bid list, which can hinge on whether your site ranked high enough on the search terms they were using.
Unlike websites, digital and print trade publications enable you to reach and influence prospects who are not yet searching for a source. So running your ad among technical editorial enables you to reach and influence prospects before they research your competitors. Working with a prospect early in the purchasing process can give you a jump on the competition, enable you to influence the job specification to your advantage, or to shut your competitors out of the bidding process entirely.
We therefore recommend a minimum ad program in digital and print trade publications most efficient at reaching your target audience(s), determined not only by your and our first-hand experience, but by dedicated media surveys we can conduct for you.
We recommend a regular schedule of placements, even if you need to reduce ad size or color, to increase your results per dollar. Here’s why >>